I have experience with…
- frontend engineering and design systems. Currently, I’m a software engineer at The New York Times, working on NYT Cooking!
- the human-centered design process, having worked on product design for clients through Berkeley Innovation.
- teaching web design and development to 100+ students every week, as a previous instructor of Web Design (CS 198) and User Interface Design (CS 160) at UC Berkeley.
- graphic design and illustration, previously creating educational toolkits for UC Berkeley’s Information Security Office.
I’m currently trying to get better at…
- keeping this lil website up-to-date 😅
In the future, I think I would enjoy working on…
- designing for education. At the height of the pandemic, I was in a product design class exploring the remote learning experience for elementary schools.
- interactive storytelling, and use my technical skills for more creative forms.
- human-computer interaction research, to explore and critique the experiences we can facilitate with technology and new media.
Thanks to the classes I’ve taken at Berkeley, I want to learn more about…
- urban design, with an emphasis on the social and cultural factors behind our landscape.
- improving food security. Taking Art 160 really opened my eyes to these issues, especially among students.
- printmaking! Particularly letterpress and relief prints.